Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

Java Cash China COIN

China coin found in Java, Indonesia

In ancient, Merchants from China, Vietnam, Japan and Ryukyu

islands use huge junks to bring in cash coins in exchange of spices and rice

with Javanese people. Until nowadays there are so many coin found

in Java, especially East Java, usually the name of the coin is GOBOG.

This is a recent news that inform the founding of the


A farmer in the village of Balong Gebang, Sub Gondang, District Nganjuk 1749 coins found in China. Thousands of coins buried in farmland were allegedly dating from 1700 AD.

The discovery of thousands of gold coins by Manirin (50), onion farmers are directly sensational local villagers. These coins suddenly sticking to the ground when the tip into the ground Manirin hoe. Uniquely, he himself had not noticed the existence of the coins stuck hoe.

"When the soil for planting onions, suddenly there was broken jars in the ground. Just beside there are so many pieces of dark metal," said Manirin.
Manirin himself had kept the discovery of these coins. With the help of his son, he kept the coins are up to 10 days. Yet somehow he suddenly decided to tell the discovery to the village and the local police yesterday. At that time it was news that historic discovery widely circulated to the Department of Tourism and Culture Nganjuk District.

Based on staff observations, the coin is bigger than Rp500 metal coins. In the center was a rectangular hole with China case 4 pieces of yellow around her. Yellow color on the edge of the coin and the letter is what makes people think of gold content in the metal. Moreover, according to some literature that coins contain valuable gold in it.
For identification of these coins it must be referred to David Hartill's Book, Cast Chinese Coins .

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009


Special money series 25 Years of Independence of 1970 emissions of 5 nominal
  1. Rp 1000 illustrated BI General Sudirman made only 4250 pieces
  2. Rp 750 pictorial carvings Garuda Bali
  3. Rp 500 illustrated Srimpi Javanese dance
  4. Rp 250 250 illustrated Manjusri Temple Sculptures 5000 pieces
  5. Rp 200 Birds of Paradise

Uang khusus seri 25 Tahun Kemerdekaan RI tahun emisi 1970 terdiri atas 5 nominal
  1. Rp 1000 bergambar Jendral Sudirman dibuat BI hanya 4250 keping
  2. Rp 750 bergambar Ukiran Garuda Bali dibuat 4950 keping
  3. Rp 500 bergambar Tari Srimpi Jawa dibuat 4800 keping
  4. Rp 250 bergambar Patung Manjusri Candi Tumpang Malang dibuat 5000 keping
  5. Rp 200 bergambar Burung Cendrawasih dibuat 5100 keping
Koleksiku 10 koin yang merupakan 2 set, meskipun tidak dalam bentuk set yang dikeluarkan Bank Indonesia. Koin tersebut didapat dari Ebay dan Java Auction.

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

MO Ha Ha! The Sound Of Laughing


Ha Ha! The Sound Of Laughing

Personil MO [1981-1985]

A1A D S R (2:20)
A2Cheese (2:38)
A3Breakfast (3:25)
A4White Prince (3:34)
A5Human Race Put On Display (3:29)
A6Madman (2:20)
B1Old Friend (4:05)
B2Try Me (3:08)
B3Sound Of Laughing (2:17)
B4Jovial Scene (3:22)
B5Nicky Knits (2:51)
B6Stress (2:57)

Download link

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Tom Atkinson's Collection

I got my collections from Ebay auction for several times. One day I won an auction of 3 pieces of money from United Kingdom denominated Rp 5,- (1957-UNC,1959-UNC and 1960-EF). He said that the money were Tom Atkinson's Collection.Who is Tom Atkinson? Thomas Wilfred Atkinson or Tom Atkinson first encountered Indonesia in 1945-56 as a British soldier (RAF), during which time he was co-editor of an underground newsletter supportive of the nascent Republic of Indonesia. After the withdrawal of the British armed forces from Indonesia, he became European representative of the Republic's agency, Antara, and later worked in Indonesia's London Embassy.From 1952 to 1962, he returned to Indonesia, where he served in the Republic's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There, amongst other duties, he helped write speeches in English and together with his wife, Rene, served as Sukarno's speechwriter; one of his speeches, delivered to the UN general assembly, got a standing ovation. He was Managing Director of Luath Press in Scotland. He passed away on June 26 2007. If you want to know about Tom Atkinson, guardian wrote his obituary.

Koin Cina

Uang cina banyak ditemukan di seluruh Indonesia, terutama di daerah Jawa Timur, jarang sekali koin ini diketemukan di daerah Jawa Barat maupun Jawa Tengah. Seringnya koin ini ditemukan di Jawa Timur, kemungkinan karena adanya hubungan yang erat antara kerajaan Majapahit dengan Kerajaan di Cina, hal ini dibuktikan dengan kedatangan Armada Laksamana Cheng Ho ke Jawa.
Koin Cina biasanya ditemukan saat menggali halaman untuk fondasi, membongkar bangunan kuno.
Kebanyakan uang yang ditemukan adalah uang jaman Dinasti Sung Utara (960-1127) dan Dinasti Sung Selatan (1127-1280) serta Yuan (1280-1368), beberapa diantaranya dari Dinasti Tang (618-907) dan Ming (1368-1644).
Koin ini berbentuk bulat dan berlubang ditengahnya dengan empat huruf Cina. Huruf Cina tersebut menandakan penguasa/raja yang sedang berkuasa saat itu.
Cara membacanya adalah huruf atas dibaca lebih dulu, kemudian huruf bawah, huruf kanan dan akhirnya huruf kiri. Koin sebelah kiri atas, keduanya dibaca Yung Lo Tong Bao (Raja Dinasti Ming). Koin atas dibaca Hsi Ning Yuan Bao (Dinasti Sung Utara). Koin paling bawah dari dinasti Tang, Kai Yuan Tong Bao.
Koin Cina ini di masyarakat dikenal sebagai uang GOBOG. Sedangkan di Bali dinamakan Pis Bolong, (uang asli). Orang Bali masih menggunakan pis bolong sbg satu sarana dalam ritual persembahyangan, spt isi kwangen (sarana sembahyang selain bunga), lamak, salang, sri sadana.